Saturday, 11 February 2023

The Crimson Thread

 The Crimson Thread

Kate Forsyth

Reviewed by Helen

This was my first Kate Forsyth book that I have read and it won’t be the last, she has a beautiful way with words and this really is a beautiful story, set during World War 2 during the German invasion of Crete, we meet Alenka a young woman who does everything she can to help her small country, helping the resistance with the help of a couple of Aussie diggers Teddy and Jack.

1941 and the Germans have arrived on Crete the citizens arm themselves with whatever they have to fight but sadly the Germans are taking over and in very cruel ways there are Aussie soldiers who are trapped and can’t get off the island and they do whatever they can to help the locals, best friends Teddy and Jack meet Alenka the beautiful strong woman who will do what she can even with a brother who is a collaborator which makes her life hell.

Alenka hides Jack and Teddy and does her best to keep them safe especially from her brother the resistance grows and so does the love for Alenka from both Teddy and Jack, but Alenka is torn between the way she feels and the things that are happening around them, will they ever find peace and will Alenka make it through this war and find love?

This story is filled with heartache and tragedy but shows the strength of the people of Crete, they had always been strong and will continue to be, there is a lot of history in these pages which taught me a lot about this time, I loved Alenka and Jack they are both caring and loving people who worked tirelessly to free Crete, I would highly recommend this one to any reader who enjoys a good historical read.

My thanks to Penguin AU for my copy to read and review.

4 stars
July 5, 2022 by Penguin Random House