Sunday 21 July 2024

The Girls from Fitzroy

 The Girls from Fitzroy

Jennie Jones

Reviewed by Helen

Melbourne 1945 and the war has just ended in the Pacific and two young woman meet in the joy that is happening both from Fitzroy but opposite sides of town, Maggie Johnson born into an affluent family and Lil Kelly who lives in the slums but Maggie feels that Lil could be her friend, could it happen could two woman from such different backgrounds find friendship?

Maggie is determined to become friends with Lil, Lil is very unsure that they can be, she is worried about Maggie mixing with the likes of her class, but there is no stopping outspoken Maggie from making this happen and soon a wonderful friendship is growing but she knows that it must be kept secret from her grandmother, father and mother.

They meet once a week in a park in the middle of North and South Fitzroy and Maggie feels for Lil and is soon bring what she can to help Lil and her mother and sister they support each other and share secrets about their lives but then everything turns sour for Maggie in such a terrible way and Maggie needs her friend Lil more than ever and soon finds herself living in the slums with the Kelly family.

This move shows Maggie more than ever what is happening in the slums and soon Maggie sees what strength and courage these people have and is soon working and organising so much to help these people and herself, she makes so many friendships here more than she ever has, not just Lil, but Jack and Connie, Mrs. Kelly, Alys, Vasilios and then there are the people from her other life Norma, Tommy Gran and her Mum and Alexander. There are so many awesome characters in this story and I have to say this one kept me up really late last night there was no way I was putting this one down till I finished it.

I loved this story it is told in such a beautiful and caring way and opened my eyes to how tough life was for many Australians in this era it also showed me that there are some beautiful people out there who are always there for each other. This one is filled with so many emotions and there were tears and smiles throughout from this reader. The ending is perfect, I loved it and I do highly recommend this one to any reader who loves a story with awesome characters it is sure to keep you turning the pages.

My thanks to the publisher Harlequin Au for my copy to read and review.

5 stars
July 31, 2024 by HQ Fiction

Thursday 4 July 2024

Rumors, Ruin and the Duke

 Rumors, Ruin and the Duke

The Lost Lords #1

Karla Kratovil

Reviewed by Helen

I do enjoy a good historical and this one is just that, fabulous characters and beautiful romance and this one also has danger involved as the hero searches for who murdered his father and brother come along and meet Hart and Lucy as they make their way to a gorgeous HEA.

The Duke of Hartwick was never meant to be the Duke he was the second son but when his father and brother are killed in suspicious circumstances, Hart is determined to find the answers but this puts him in danger and soon he nearly loses his life as well, injured he spends some time at his country estate, but he is back in London now and determined to find the answers.

Lucy Middleton young, vibrant and beautiful not to mention strong willed is thrilled that Hart is back in town as is his great aunt Trudy, Trudy decides that Lucy needs a husband but the only man Lucy wants is Hart and when a scandal looms that sees them marry Lucy is determined to show her husband what love is all about that is if she can keep them both alive while searching for answers.

This one is filled with action not only romance but as Hart and Lucy uncover clues as to what happened to Hart’s family the secrets they uncover will shock them but the romance is strong, sensual and beautiful, I loved Hart and Lucy they are so suited to each other and this is one that I highly recommend, don’t miss this one. I look forward to the next book in the series.

My thanks to the publisher Tule for my digital copy to read and review.

4 stars
July 11, 2024 by Tule Publishing

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Beyond Summerland

 Beyond Summerland

Jenny Lecoat

Reviewed by Helen

Set on Jersey in The Channel Islands the German occupation is over and life should be returning to normal but very slowly a lot has happened in the years of the occupation and the Parris family have had their share of sadness with the loss of husband and father Philip wife Violet and nineteen year old daughter Jean will do their best to cope but when accusations start flying about collaborators tempers are flaring.

Jean is determined to find out who the person was who reported her father and with her uncle Eddie returning to the island and moving in with them he too is pushing for answers but what Jean soon discovers will push her to the limits.

Hazel is a teacher at the school and lives with her invalid father in a flat above the ironmongers shop run by Philip Parris and when she is accused of reporting Mr. Parris she does her best to prove her innocence, but it is not easy with the finger pointed her way.

Soon Jean and Hazel are talking to each other and Jean learns even more about what happened and this changes the way she thinks about many things, but Jean is keeping secrets herself and times are getting dangerous as people are determined to see collaborators get what they think they deserve, where will it all end?

I am not sure how I felt reading this one, I really felt for Jean and Hazel and what they went through but did get very frustrated with some of the other characters in this one, I did love the setting and if you enjoy a historical fiction story then this is one that you should read it is heartbreaking what these islanders went through during and after the occupation.

My thanks to Allen & Unwin for my copy to read and review.

3 stars
July 2, 2024 by Allen & Unwin AU

Friday 28 June 2024

The Secret Daughter of Venice

 The Secret Daughter of Venice

Juliet Greenwood

Reviewed by Helen

It is World War 2, 1941 and Kate Arden is living in England with her family but she does know that she is not truly an Arden although she does not know the full story of her arriving at Arden House when she was a very young girl, but she has found some paintings of Venice in a book of sonnets left to her by her adoptive mother and this brings back some memories of when she was young, of a boat journey and this has her wanting more, she wants to know about her past, will she ever find out.

Venice 1941 and Sofia Armstrong has returned to Venice arriving at the home she grew up in with her terrible mother The Contessa, she is not in residence but Magdalena her mother’s maid is still there troubling times are coming their way with the Germans just about to arrive but Sofia wants to finally find out where her daughter is, will she find her after all of these years?

I did enjoy this story, the characters, the mystery, and the settings were all so good, it was a bit slow to begin with and it took me some time to get into the story, but once I did the characters came to life.

This is one that I would recommend to any reader who loves a good historical story unravelling the mystery of what happened to Kate was well told.

My thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my copy to read and review.

3 Stars
May 14, 2024 by Storm Publishing

Saturday 1 June 2024

The Studio Girls

 The Studio Girls

Lisa Ireland

Reviewed by Helen

What a fabulous read this one is, Lisa Ireland has put so much heart into this one as we meet four young woman who are living at the Hollywood Studio Club a boarding house for young woman who have their hearts set on a career in Hollywood, based on a true place back in the 1950’s, come along and meet Peggy, Julia, Vivienne and Sadie.

Julia Newman is the new hot star in Hollywood, contracted to Goldstar Studios her contract included residence at The Studio Club, she has left her home on the farm in Nebraska and has finally found true friends.

Peggy Carmichael her dream of being a movie star has lots of ups and downs, she is also a singer and dancer and she has left her big family in Wisconsin to make her dream come true and having friends is the best.

Vivienne Lockhart has no family and she is a fabulous actress, but she is often cast what Hollywood would say are “sexpot” roles she is vivacious and outspoken in a man’s world but what she really wants is to be loved.

Sadie Shore wants to be a screen writer she has left her loving family in New York and is not looking for the glamour life she soon lands herself the PA job for Harry Gold who is the head of Goldstar Studios hoping that this give her a foot up and lots of inside information for her writing.

These four young woman all from different backgrounds hit it off instantly and become firm friends who are there to support each other, they are there when they are laughing and when they need a shoulder to cry on but as sure as there is daylight true friendship doesn’t always go without ups and downs and with one big downer the bond is broken with terrible consequences, will these four young woman ever find the bond and love they once shared?

It is now 1999 now and the last reunion for The Hollywood Studio Club is just starting three of the now woman are there and for the first time ever the fourth one arrives, how will they all react, will the past be bought up, will they finally open up about it, will they find the friendship they had before. I lot has happened over the years, so many changes.

I loved this story, these woman worked in a man’s world they all showed strength courage and determination in so many ways, it is very emotional as four different personalities coped with life, love, let downs and joys, and did they find the happiness over the years? I highly recommend this one, don’t miss it, thank you Lisa Ireland for anther keeper.

5 stars
April 30, 2024 by Penguin Random House AU

Wednesday 29 May 2024

The Saloon Girl's Only Shot

 The Saloon Girl's Only Shot

A Quail's Creek Romance #2

Dani Collins

Reviewed by Helen

If you love a wild west story then this one is the one to pick up, I loved the first one in the series and this one is just as good, this is Owen’s story who I loved in the first book and Temperance Goodrich who has arrived in Denver on her own after her father fell ill, they are here to take up an offer to write a proposal for the gold mining company but now she is alone in a lawless community where there is a shortage of woman.

Temperance is a teacher but scandal follows her and now in need of a job the only one she can get is as a salon girl which leaves her reputation in ruins, when she meets Owen Stames and the pull is instant and when he rescues her they are soon friends.

Owen, now has enough money from gold to do what he has always wanted and that is to open his own saloon for his future when he meets the beautiful Temperance he knows that she is the one to help with his plans and work for him, he has no intentions of marrying like is friend Virgil but soon when the odds are stacked against him opening and Temperance is doing the best to keep everything going he is slowly opening his heart to her.

Temperance wants love but as she gets to know Owen more she realises that he is not that person but she cannot help the way her heart goes, they are spending so much time together and there is a lot of talk around town that paints her a terrible woman, she has made great friends in two other salon girls Jane and Mavis and she is also starting her own company helping people with their bookwork and moves out from the saloon.

When Temperance arrives at the right time to stop a robbery and save Owen they both understand that it is time that they went with their hearts. This is a witty, fun and sensual story that I do highly recommend and I am hoping that we see more in this series there are some fabulous characters that need their own story.

My thanks to the author for my digital copy to read and review.

4 stars
May 7, 2024 by Dani Collins

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Among the Grey Gums

 Among the Grey Gums

Paula J. Beavan

Reviewed by Helen

I love a good Australian historical and Paula J Beavan has not disappointed, this is her second book and it is absolutely brilliant, I loved the characters, the setting the author has taken me back to this time in history with a true telling of how it was and how a woman runs a bullock team, life is hard but Lucy Stewart never gives in, come along and meet her and the wonderful characters, good and bad, this one was very hard to put down.

It is 1842 in The Hunter and Lucy Stewart and her young brother in law Joe are working hard to make ends meet with their bullock team and dray and then life turns upside down when young Joe is accused of murder, Lucy knows he is innocent and will go to any lengths to prove it.

Constable Sam Donovan is sent to the area to investigate the bushrangers known as the Smokey gang, who have been operating for a couple of years now and the local constabulary have no clues as to who they are, when he arrives what he finds is a young man being held on murder charges and some dubious men unloading a dray and a woman who says that it is her property.

Sam is convinced young Joe is innocent and that there is more going on here than first thought, he and Lucy are soon working as a team to uncover the truth to save Joe from the hangman’s noose but soon are sure that the Smokey Gang are somehow connected, danger lurks at every turn and with the gang after Lucy now Sam is determined to keep Lucy safe.

Lucy has secrets that her and Joe must keep to themselves she also finds it very hard to trust, but as her and Sam are spending a lot more time together getting to the bottom of what is going on, maybe it is time to tell him and learn to trust, and what they uncover will shock them cover-ups, corruption and so much more but will they find love and happiness along the way? Will they uncover the Smokey Gang?

This is such an awesome story I loved it so much, Lucy is such a strong determined woman and Sam how fabulous is he and then there is Joe the boy man with the kind heart and then animals that also add so much to the story, the bullocks, Ramses the horse, Splinter the dog.

Paula J. Beavan is one of my favourite authors now with two fabulous books and I do look forward to many more to come, I highly recommend this one, it is a must read for any lovers of a good Australian historical that has mystery, crime a fabulous setting and romance as well, the ending is awesome.

My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my copy to read and review

5 stars
June 5, 2024 by HQ Fiction