Kali Napier

Reviewed by Helen
This is a compelling story one that had me turning the pages, it is the story of life during the depression, in a seaside town Dongarra in Western Australia, there are so many characters in this story, men that came back from the war damaged, yes life was really hard but strength and stubbornness gets them through hardship, hurt and to a life although not perfect it is so much better after their struggles.
Ernie and Lily Hass and their daughter Girlie have had to give up their wheat farm in Perenjori the depression has hit hard, a fire causes more problems as does emus and rabbits, but ever positive Ernie moves the family to Dongarra to start a guest house and shop. Lily wants to be in with the woman of the town and works hard with Girlie and the CWA, she is working hard to not attract gossip in any form there was enough in the last town. But when her long lost brother finds them life starts to change and Lily is beginning to wonder if she will be able to keep her secrets.
Ernie has secrets that he keeps to himself as well and life seems to be running smoothly in the new town but with a clash of one of the town’s people things are getting difficult and problems are arising life for Ernie and Lily is becoming alienated and their daughter Girlie is feeling it as well, with one problem after another falling on their doorstep Ernie is still determined to get ahead.
This is a story of many secrets, secrets that when uncovered will cause even more problems, I found this story a very busy story a lot going on and a lot of characters to get to know with Ernie, Lily, Girlie and Tommy being the family that need to come to terms with the things that have happened in their lives so as they can move on. I remember my grandparents talking a lot about this era and how hard things were and this showed so well throughout the story. I did find it a bit hard to like Lily at the beginning but wow by the end I had nothing but praise for her and what she went through, and Ernie and Lily finally found a way to be happy. It is a moving story that I recommend.
Ernie and Lily Hass and their daughter Girlie have had to give up their wheat farm in Perenjori the depression has hit hard, a fire causes more problems as does emus and rabbits, but ever positive Ernie moves the family to Dongarra to start a guest house and shop. Lily wants to be in with the woman of the town and works hard with Girlie and the CWA, she is working hard to not attract gossip in any form there was enough in the last town. But when her long lost brother finds them life starts to change and Lily is beginning to wonder if she will be able to keep her secrets.
Ernie has secrets that he keeps to himself as well and life seems to be running smoothly in the new town but with a clash of one of the town’s people things are getting difficult and problems are arising life for Ernie and Lily is becoming alienated and their daughter Girlie is feeling it as well, with one problem after another falling on their doorstep Ernie is still determined to get ahead.
This is a story of many secrets, secrets that when uncovered will cause even more problems, I found this story a very busy story a lot going on and a lot of characters to get to know with Ernie, Lily, Girlie and Tommy being the family that need to come to terms with the things that have happened in their lives so as they can move on. I remember my grandparents talking a lot about this era and how hard things were and this showed so well throughout the story. I did find it a bit hard to like Lily at the beginning but wow by the end I had nothing but praise for her and what she went through, and Ernie and Lily finally found a way to be happy. It is a moving story that I recommend.
4/5 stars for a great story
January 30th 2018
by Hachette Australia