Thursday, 22 April 2021

The Warsaw Orphan

 The Warsaw Orphan

Kelly Rimmer

Reviewed by Helen

Kelly Rimmer takes her readers back to an occupied Poland, it is 1942 where we meet a young teenager, Elzbieta Rabinek things are heart-wrenching in Warsaw but nowhere near as bad as behind the wall of the ghetto. Elzbieta has seen things that no one should ever see and keeps a secret but she shows courage and strength as she befriends her neighbour a nurse Sara, together they do what they can to help in a dangerous situation.

Elzbieta becomes Sara’s apprentice so she can get behind the wall and help with placing Jewish children into new homes and orphanages, during this time she meets a young man Roman Gorka while trying to help out his family, she clicks with Roman instantly she can see the strength and the will to fight for a better life for his family and friends and soon they are friends as well but war and rebellion get in the way.

Life is not easy for Elzbieta and her family and the rebellion behind the wall sees them fleeing to Lodz and trying to do what they can to survive, there is danger everywhere not only from the Germans but the Russian army as well. Elzbieta’s life changes so much and they move back to Warsaw to find Sara and Roman but will Roman’s anger and frustration cause more danger?

This is a compelling, poignant and very emotional story, so beautifully written it takes in the plight of the Polish people who went through so much and it shows the strength and resilience of Elzbieta, her parents Roman and Sara the heart-breaking things they saw and the thing they had to do to survive. There were many tears from me and cheering as well I wanted them to achieve so much and they did well through some very dangerous and desperate situations

Out of the cruelty of war and the heart-break it causes can hope and a future of love and happiness be found, when there is love and friendship and support there is always hope. I loved this story so much, Kelly Rimmer you have done it again another awesome story one that is not to be missed, and this one will stay with me for a long time to come, thank you.

My thanks to Hachette AUS for my copy to read and review.

5 stars
Expected publication: April 28th 2021 by Hachette Australia