Saturday 2 May 2020

The Secret Life of Shirley Sullivan

The Secret Life of Shirley Sullivan

Lisa Ireland

The Secret Life of Shirley Sullivan by Lisa Ireland

Reviewed by Helen

I just finished this book in two sittings, it was very hard to put down and I don’t know where to start, I know I loved it from start to finish, I think Shirley Sullivan is a strong, loving, caring woman who did what she could to make everyone happy, but it meant that she may have left herself off that list here and there. I do know that this is a must read, it is a story that will reach into your heart and pull at your heart-strings.

This is a dual time book set in the beachside suburbs of Victoria in the 1960’s through to the 1980’s and present day, we meet Shirley when she is twenty one and madly wanting to be a bride and mother, we see her meet Frank when he saves her at the beach and marry him and start the life she dreamed of, they have a daughter Fiona, but life throws many hurdles to some people and Shirley has to jump high to get over a few, but she does with help and such determination.

Now in present time Frank has Alzheimer’s and Shirley and Frank’s life has been turned upside down, their daughter has moved them to Sydney and put Frank in a nursing home and Shirley is determined to make Frank’s life better and get him back home to the place he loves the best the beach, she plans to break him out and take a road trip back home, trying to stay off the radar of the authorities and she is hoping to revel a secret that she has kept for many years.

I bow down to you MS Ireland what a story, it is awesome from start to finish, I cried, I cheered Shirley on for her strength and courage and I thoroughly enjoyed this road trip and the story. This story was heart-wrenching at times but so beautifully told, I really wanted to hug Shirley so much. I don’t want to say too much I hope I have done this book justice I do highly recommend it be prepared though when you pick it up because nothing else will get done before it is finished, again I say it is a must read.

5 stars

Published April 28th 2020 by Penguin Random House Australia